No. |
Title |
Lead partner |
Availability |
Delivery month |
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D2.1 |
Compositional analysis of food waste
from study sites in geographically distinct
regions of Europe |
Public |
13 |
D2.2 |
Assessment of typical source segregated
food waste collection schemes in operation
in Europe detailing factors influencing
yield, capture rates and efficiency |
Veolia |
Public |
19 |
D2.3 |
Case study for collection schemes
serving the South Shropshire Biowaste
Digester |
Greenfinch |
Public |
25 |
D2.4 |
Case study for collection schemes
serving the Valorsul AD plant |
Valorsul |
Public |
25 |
D2.5 |
Institutional and community food waste
generation rates and appropriateness of
scale for on-site utilisation for second
generation biofuel production by AD |
Public |
28 |
D2.6 |
Quantitative evaluation of enhanced
recovery potential of recyclables from
food-excluded residual waste streams and
impact on energy balance |
Veolia |
Public |
36 |
D2.7 |
Results from LCA and energy footprint
modelling for optimisation of collection
methods and equipment |
Soton1 |
Partners |
31 |
partners only |
WasteCAT model
follow this link |
D3.1 |
Initial assessment of methods for
ammonia removal from food waste |
Soton2 |
Partners |
16 |
partners only |
D3.2 |
Initial assessment of pathogen
destruction and improved gas production from
food waste |
Partners |
16 |
partners only |
D3.3 |
Biokinetic and biosecurity data and
operating protocols from optimisation of
autoclave and cell disruption pre-treatment |
Public |
28 |
D3.4 |
Baseline mass and energy balance around
technical-scale digestion plant |
AnDigestion |
Public |
40 |
D3.5 |
Kinetics of H2 production in short
retention thermophilic hydrolysis reactors
with assessment of impact on overall system
energy yield |
Public |
28 |
D3.6 |
Full assessment of the feasibility of
ammonia removal from food waste for improved
operational stability and gas production |
Soton2 |
Partners |
40 |
partners only |
D3.7 |
Experimental data from pre-treatment
studies in technical-scale digestion plant |
AnDigestion |
Partners |
40 |
partners only |
D4.1 |
Description of problems associated with
ammonia toxicity and trace metal deficiency
in mesophilic and thermophilic digestion of
high nitrogen wastes |
Soton2 |
Public |
13 |
D4.2 |
A mass and energy balance from a
full-scale mesophilic digester operating on
food waste |
Greenfinch |
Partners |
32 |
partners only |
D4.3 |
A mass and energy balance from a
full-scale thermophilic digester operating
on food waste |
Valorsul |
partners |
32 |
partners only |
D4.4 |
Experimental data on mesophilic and
thermophilic anaerobic microbial consortia
as a basis for design of process
interventions to achieve stable food waste
digestion |
Soton2 |
Public |
40 |
D4.5 |
recommendations for trace element and
nutrient supplementation for stable
operation of digesters receiving food waste |
Soton2 |
Public |
40 |
D4.6 |
Technical solutions to allow digesters
operating on high nitrogen food waste to
achieve the maximum energy yield |
Partners |
40 |
partners only |
D4.7 |
Strategies for alleviation of
operational problems and potential for
nutrient recovery through precipitation
reactions |
Partners |
40 |
D5.1 |
Evaluation of potential technologies and
operational scales reflecting market needs
for low-cost gas upgrading systems |
JyU |
Public |
19 |
D5.2 |
Evaluation of existing low-cost gas
bottling systems for vehicle use adaptation
in developing economies |
Public |
19 |
D5.3 |
Case and feasibility studies of
small-scale upgrading applications in Europe
and India |
JyU |
Public |
28 |
D5.4 |
Results of design, construction and
testing of low-cost modular biogas upgrading
systems |
Metener |
Partners |
32 |
partners only |
D5.5 |
Potential for pressure-swing cell
disruption as a biogas upgrading method |
Public |
37 |
D5.6 |
Evaluation of the role of small-scale
biogas upgrading as a means of contributing
to local transportation needs in the EU and
India |
Public |
39 |
D6.1 |
Data on the operations involved in food
waste management for energy recovery
presented in a standardised format for use
in comparative life cycle assessment |
Veolia |
Public |
32 |
D6.2 |
Evaluation of the quality, biosecurity
and agronomic usefulness of digestates from
different digester trials |
Partners |
37 |
D6.3 |
Output from an
energy and carbon footprint model verified
against primary data collected as part of
the research |
Soton1 |
Public |
42 |
see Software section on Publications page |
D6.4 |
Quantification of the potential
contribution of biogas from food waste as a
second generation biofuel to energy security
and diversification in the EU |
Soton1 |
Public |